I chose to create my own project from scratch. The project implements a solution for determining if a crowded area is in violation of the 6-foot rule for social distancing. The input is a directory containing photos of groups of people in jpeg format, the tool looks for faces in the photos, determines relative distances among them, and compares the distances to the 6-foot rule for social distancing.
The actual algorithm that determines relative distances and flags violators is a prototype only. It is not intended to provide accurate results to any extent. The algorithm is simply used as backbone and motivation for the classes that handle all preparatory steps before the algorithm can run, and all concluding tasks that deploy the end result.
The output should be a log file named SocialDistanceAlert.log
and an output directory containing copies of each original
jpeg file provided as input. The log file should contain a message for each input file indicating how many violators were
detected and the total number of people in the group. The image files in the output directory should each be named after the
original image file, contain green squares around the faces of all individuals in the group, and red squares around the faces
of individuals who violate the social distancing rule. Note that the output directory is provided as a command line argument
and created if not already existent. Also, currently, the only file format supported is JPEG files with extension jpeg or jpg.
Below is a sample output image showing that out of 8 individuals, 6 were detected by the algorithm, and 3 were deemed to be
closer to each other than 6 feet. The focus of the project is to exercise the concepts and lessons found in the nanodegree
program. It is not a goal to provide a production ready detection algorithm and to analyse or fine-tune accuracy.
The project is composed by a library called SocialDistanceAlert
which provides all functionality for the project, and a main entry point which makes use of the libray linking to it statically.
The following table shows what the subsystems within the library are, and how they interface:
Subsystem name | Instances | Functionality | Interfaces Exported | Interfaces Consumed |
CommandLineParser | 1 | Parse CLI arguments; Provide CLI help; First pass validation; | parseCommandLine moveDirectoryPaths | None |
InputOutputHandler | 1 | Full input data validation; Load images to memory; | validateAllFilenames processFiles getAllLoadedImages | LOG_INFO LOG_ERROR |
Logger | 1 | Asynchronously writes messages coming from many threads to a single file; | LOG_INFO LOG_ERROR startWriter stopWriter | None |
HaarCascadeDetector | 1 per input file | Detects faces in images and determines faces that are too close; | addModel prepare detect finalize deploy | LOG_INFO LOG_ERROR |
A rough graphical schematics of the above interfaces is shown in the following figure:
The following table describes all subsystems in greater detail, including the specific classes that were written for each subsystem, including any relevant data structures, algorithms, and desing patterns used:
Subsystem name | Classes | Data Structures | Algorithms | Patterns |
CommandLineParser | CommandLineParser class | 1 hash table of directories keyed by type. | Parses and validates the arguments provided by user. | None |
InputOutputHandler | InputOutputHandler class | 1 output directory, a hash table of input directories keyed by file extension, 1 hash table of loaded images keyed by filename. | Validates individual filenames and loads all ifle to memeory. | Meyer’s Singleton |
Logger | Logger class | 1 queue of messages to log and 1 thread to write to disk. | Accepts messages containing a std::ostringstream and queues them to be saved to disk asynchronously. | Meyer’s Singleton |
HaarCascadeDetector | HaarCascadeDetector class | 1 cv::Mat to store image, at least 1 cv::CascadeClassifier, a vector of cv::Rect for detected heads, and a vector of cv::Rect for offenders. | Detects heads in an image, estimates if rectangles delimiting detections are too close in 3D. | Message Queue |
The threading model chosen intends to provide a buffer between multiple worker threads that perform the heavy-lifting tasks of the project and a single thread solely responsible for successfully writing them to disk. The following picture details the model and approximately depicts the level of indirection introduced by the message queue:
The calls to MessageQueue<T>::receive()
are made much for often than shown, and the final call is accompanied by a flush procedure. Those details are not shown above for simplicity.
This project is intended to target the Udacity VM environment. That environment is based on Ubuntu 16.04, and has a few installed development packages, including make 4.1, cmake 3.13, and g++ 5.5.
The minimum required versions for this project are: make 4.1, cmake 3.10 and g++ 9. The version for the gcc compiler needs to be at least 9 so to include support for std::filesystem library.
In order to accommodate for that in the Udacity VM environment, run the following:
sudo apt update --fix-missing
sudo apt install gcc-9 g++-9
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-9 100 --slave /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-9
Verify that gcc in use now is version 9:
gcc --version
Should print something like:
gcc (Ubuntu 9.4.0-1ubuntu1~16.04) 9.4.0
Copyright (C) 2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
Other than that, this project should build in any recent Ubuntu linux environment. It does depend on OpenCV. This dependency can typically be provided by running:
sudo apt install libopencv-dev
A full list of install instructions can be found at OpenCV. After that dependency is satisfied, the project can be build by using any modern build system and compiler toolchain. I chose to use cmake and make for build system, and this project comes with all the cmake files needed to build it in a typical Ubuntu Linux environment. It has been tested using make, cmake and g++. The suggested steps are as follows:
$> cd <project_path>
$> cmake -B make-build-debug -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -G "Unix Makefiles"
$> cmake --build make-build-debug -j4
It is important to perform a install as proper relative placement of files used during runtime is only guaranteed
within the installation directory. If no change is made during install, the tool is installed in the directory
named local
(inside build
, if the suggestions above are followed).
$> cmake --install make-build-debug
Once built and installed as suggested above, in the cmake build directory, simply do:
$> cd local/bin
$> ./SocialDistanceAlertSystem --jpeg=input --outdir=output
That should print out something like this:
Input path provided input points to a directory as expected.
Files with extension .JPG found:
* input/crowd_A.jpg
* input/crowd_C.jpg
* input/crowd_D.jpg
* input/crowd_B.jpg
Detected 7 offenders in a group of 7 individuals in file crowd_D.jpg. Please look for respective output file.
Detected 0 offenders in a group of 2 individuals in file crowd_B.jpg. Please look for respective output file.
Detected 3 offenders in a group of 6 individuals in file crowd_C.jpg. Please look for respective output file.
Detected 6 offenders in a group of 11 individuals in file crowd_A.jpg. Please look for respective output file.
Processed 4 images from input directory in 4 threads.
Stopping logger now. There will be only one more message written to log file after this.
This is the last message written to log file.
Writer done!
Writer stopped!
All needed files are located in the directory named local
within the cmake build directory.
If you use the above suggested command sequence, then the installation full path will be in <project root>/build/local
Other than that, just provide the directory path containing the pictures you want to have processed.
For added convenience reviewing the output, install and use fim
to review the images:
cat SocialDistanceAlert.log
sudo apt install fim
fim output/*.jpg
LOG_INFO("Creating %s: %s", common::outputDirectoryKey, directory.c_str());
if (std::filesystem::create_directory(directory))
LOG_INFO("Output directory successfully created.");
LOG_ERROR("Directory creation failed: %s", directory.c_str());
m_loadedImages[filename] = cv::imread(imagePath);
void HaarCascadeDetector::deploy()
cv::imwrite(InputOutputHandler::instance().getOutputDirectoryPath(), m_image);
void CommandLineParser::parseCommandLine(int argc, char* argv[])
cv::CommandLineParser parser(argc, argv, common::PARSING_KEYS);
auto jpegInputDirectoryPath = parser.get<std::string>("jpeg");
auto outputDirectoryPath = parser.get<std::string>("outdir");
if (parser.has("help") ||
jpegInputDirectoryPath.empty() ||
m_directoryPaths->emplace(common::jpegExtention, jpegInputDirectoryPath);
m_directoryPaths->emplace(common::outputDirectoryKey, outputDirectoryPath);
is a template class, and its member function void send(T&& msg)
accepts a generic parameter [Logger.h line 61] .new
or delete
, does not allocate memory and handles it by direct use of raw pointers, and uses smart pointers in several locations, for example see [InputOutputHandler.h line 15] . std::vector<std::future<int>> tasks;
for (const auto& [filename, matImage]: *allImages)
tasks.emplace_back(std::async(worker, std::ref(filename), std::ref(matImage)));
for(auto& ftr : tasks) ftr.get();
void Logger::messageWriter(std::future<void> stopWriterFuture)
and void Logger::stopWriter()
use future/promise to communicate a request to stop the worker thread that writes the log to disk as in [Logger.cpp line 14] .void Logger::messageWriter(std::future<void> stopWriterFuture)
while (stopWriterFuture.wait_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(10)) != std::future_status::ready)
auto msg = m_messages.receive();
m_theLogFile << msg.str();
or std::unique_lock
) is used to
protect data that is shared across multiple threads in the project code. The Logger uses
a std::mutex
primarily to protect a MessageQueue<std::ostringstream>
and a std::ofstream
which are shared across
threads [see Logger.h line 38] .