In summary, the goals of this project are as follows:
The code for this step is contained in, function get_calibration(calibrationFiles, nx=9, ny=6)
It is essentially based on my answer to the quiz we did to perform the task and uses functionality
from OpenCV (findChessboardCorners) to find corners in calibration images, and populate a list of image
points. They correspond to object points in real life that were also saved.
The pipeline starts by simply using the functionality developed during Udacity quizzes to apply the distortion correction to one of the test images like this one:
I used the combination of color and gradient thresholds developed during quizzes to generate a binary image.
The code is in, apply_color_gradient_threshold()
. Here’s an example of my output for this step:
The code for my perspective transform includes a function called warpToBirdsEyeView()
I wrote based on my experience from the first project, isolating the factors and parameters that
are important for the projection and making it easy to fine tune the behavior to the input images.
I verified that my perspective transform was working as expected by drawing the src
and dst
onto a test image and its warped counterpart to verify that the lines appear parallel in the warped image.
The function fit_polynomial(binary_warped)
from my module
encompasses the
functionality to find the bins where most of the pixels are populated in the base of the image,
do a sliding window search, a second degree polynomial fit, and refine the resulting fit.
I have created a class that encapsulates all the functionality created for finding lanes. I took great care to store are data members all the hyper-parameters that are important during fine-tuning. The pipeline stores stores those parameters along with intermediary results so those don’t have to get passed around from one stand-alone function to another. The final script can be run independently given the environment in python is setup according to what Udacity specified.
I created two python modules to contain the heavy-lifting functionality. One with the partial results I
accumulated during Udacity lessons as I performed all quizzes. The other module contains some of my own
utility functions. Combined, those two modules contain the main toolkit to complete the project.
In essence the main function makes use of the AdvancedLaneDetection
class I created to encapsulate
all important parameters, algorithms and results.
There is a limitation that is obvious with sharp turns. The warping takes the further end of the turn out of the warped region and the polynomial fit suffers, particularly on left turns. If I were to work further on this I would try to tackle that by further parameters tuning and a more smooth process to track the change in the fit results.